Because Dobermans are energetic, obedient, protective, and fearless in nature, people tend to get themselves inked with Doberman tattoos in order to relate to those character traits. Other than that, these tattoos also symbolize loyalty, courage, strength, confidence, and much more.
Since Doberman dogs were once used as police dogs or guard dogs, they are also known to be really aggressive, especially towards strangers. A lot of interpretations for these tattoos can be derived from that one single fact. There are different types of Doberman tattoo designs and the list is endless. Each one has its own distinctive meaning and we will walk you through all of them!
Doberman Tattoos Designs and Ideas
There are 90+ Doberman tattoo ideas in this article and you have to be incredibly patient while going through them if you intend on finding the right design for yourself. Please bear in mind that some of the tattoos may look eerily similar but their meanings can be entirely different.
Now that everything’s out of the way, let’s get started!
Traditional Doberman Tattoo
Traditional tattoos are usually old-fashioned. They are made with glaring colors, vivid lines, and designs that are classic. Below are some unique traditional Doberman tattoo designs:
1. Nobility

Nobility refers to the state or quality of being noble in character, rank, or quality. Basically, this particular doberman tattoo represents a privileged class of people.
2. Strength

Tattoo designs that include Dobermans reflect this sentiment. These tattoos of dogs look incredibly terrifying and they are a powerful symbol of courage and strength.
3. Honor

Having honor defines a person to others and that is exactly what these tattoo designs signify. People who truly understand the importance of honor will find this tattoo appealing.
4. Self-control

This tattoo design is titled “self-control” because of the direct reference to “lockjaw”, where the dog loses the ability to control his or her jaws.
Doberman Pinscher Tattoo
Possessing both a keen intelligence and magnificent physique, Doberman Pinschers signify immense strength and nobility when it comes to tattoos or any other kind of artwork. Let’s check some of them out below:
5. Loyalty

Dogs, in general, are loyal creatures and we all know that for a fact. Therefore, Doberman tattoos also symbolize loyalty as they will never ever leave your side no matter what.
6. Fearlessness

Dobermans are also fearless in nature. Similarly, an individual’s fearless can take him or her very far in life and they will be able to tackle all sorts of difficulties with great ease. A superb tattoo to get on your leg.
7. Powerhouse

The term “powerhouse” refers to a dominant or powerful individual. In other words, this Doberman tattoo symbolizes having great potential or strength for success.
8. Boldness

Such tattoo designs also stand for boldness. Being bold builds up a person’s confidence. It enables them to step out of their comfort zone and take big risks, leading to greater results.
9. Meet Your Maker

Doberman Pinschers were commonly used as guards and police dogs. They have a strong reputation for being aggressive and super intimidating. This tattoo paints that picture quite vividly.
Doberman Line Tattoo
Because of their simplicity, line tattoos are considered to be minimalist tattoos. However, do not let the simplicity fool you as their meanings are still quite profound and powerful.
10. Unconditional Love

People also get Doberman tattoos to express their undying love for them, especially if they’re kept as pets. This simple-looking tattoo on a woman’s hand speaks volumes about the bond between the owner and their pet Doberman.
11. Determination

Doberman tattoos are also a strong symbol of determination. If you are determined, you will persevere until you make it till the very end. It is something that will motivate you to dream bigger.
12. Protector

These tattoos also represent a man who is a strong protector and will do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones from all sorts of evil.
Doberman Silhouette Tattoo
Silhouettes are designs that have the ability to express what one feels in their soul. The color black is mostly used in this style of tattooing. Check some cool Doberman silhouette tattoos out below:
13. Zestful

The term “zestful” on this man’s bicep, refers to an individual characterized by great energy and enthusiasm. People of this nature are always full-spirited and they usually have a bright future ahead.
14. Lurking In The Shadows

The literal meaning of this phrase is to move stealthily and wait for the right moment to attack. The tattoo could also refer to a person who doesn’t make rash decisions and thinks twice before making a move.
15. Critical Thinker

Doberman tattoos symbolize critical thinkers as well. Rather than accepting ideas and assumptions at face value, critical thinkers rigorously question them. For vibrancy, you can also add colors to the tattoo.
Tribal Doberman Tattoo
Typically, tribal tattoos are inked in black with no other colors used. Tribal tattoo designs can range from simple to incredibly complex. Below are some stylish-looking tattoo designs of the said concept:
16. Instant Death

As discussed earlier, Dobermans can be incredibly aggressive and hostile towards strangers. For this reason, people choose to steer clear of them as they fear for their own lives.
17. Inner Strength

Inner strength refers to a belief in yourself that is both deep and unstoppable. To put it simply, it is the possession of self-discipline and willpower. That is exactly what this Doberman tattoo symbolizes.
18. Your Wish Is My Command

The phrase, as well as the tattoo design, refers to the quality or state of being obedient or compliant. Obedience is the key to one’s success. It also demonstrates our trust and faith in God.
19. Bravery

Typically, Doberman tattoos stand for bravery and courage. Bravery enables us to overcome all sorts of fears in life. It allows us to live our lives to the fullest.
Doberman Barking Tattoo
These tattoos mostly signify strength, courage, boldness, and self-confidence. People can get them to deliver a strong and powerful message. Here are some cool concepts below:
20. Viciousness

Dobermans are vicious in nature and they even look terrifying as well. Figuratively, this tattoo design portrays an individual with a warrior-like spirit or mentality.
21. Raging Bull

This term is not only used for a bull that is enraged, but also as a nickname for things with that same level of ferocity and fury. Dobermans can match that energy really well.
22. Bloodthirst

Because of how terrifying they look when they bark, Dobermans are sometimes recognized as creatures that have a thirst for blood. This tattoo on a man’s side represents people who are aggressive and violent in nature.
23. Valour

Valour is the strength of spirit or mind that allows a person to deal face danger with firmness and bravery. Basically, it’s honor plus dignity combined into one.
Doberman Dog Tattoo
You will across some more head-turning Doberman dog tattoos in this part of the article. You can get really creative with these dog tattoos and even make your own adjustments to them!
24. Man’s Best Friend

Another great tattoo on a woman’s thigh. We all have heard of this phrase before. We also know that a dog is considered to be a man’s best friend; be it Dobermans, bulldogs, German shepherds, or any other breed of dog.
25. Faithful Companion

Studies have shown that dogs reduce anxiety, stress as well as depression. Dogs will always be there by your side during your ups and downs. This Doberman tattoo paints that picture very clearly.



Doberman Hand Tattoo



Doberman Head Tattoo


Doberman Chest Tattoo





Doberman Face Tattoo


Doberman Tattoos Designs





Geometric Doberman Tattoo





3 Headed Doberman Tattoo






Angry Doberman Tattoo





Cartoon Doberman Tattoo




Doberman Memorial Tattoo





Doberman Portrait Tattoo






Doberman Skull Tattoo





Miniature Doberman Tattoo





Doberman Paw Print Tattoo





And we’re done for today! These are all the unique Doberman tattoo designs we had in store for you today. Now there’s a small tedious task for you to do and it is to go through the designs one at a time and find the ideal tattoo for yourself. This step is really important because if you decide to change it afterwards, you would have to remove it and get a brand new one, which is both expensive and painful.
Once you have completed that part, you just have to consult your local tattoo artist and make sure he or she is the right person for the job. Walking around with a distorted tattoo design is definitely not something you would want. Once you’ve got everything taken care of, you’re good to go. We wish you all the best!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Doberman tattoo symbolize?
Doberman tattoos represent nobility, strength, protection, confidence, courage, determination, and many more.
Where to get a Doberman tattoo?
Doberman tattoos would look good just about anywhere on your body but the ideal locations would be your chest, arms and thighs.