For people who wish to get tattoos that draw attention very easily and make bold statements, there is no tattoo style as effective as a new school. Today, we will walk you through the wild world of new school tattoo designs.
Due to the easy adaptability or flexibility of the new school style, several tattoo artists prefer to follow this style and integrate it with their own personal predilections and tastes.
This tattoo style is not for everybody. It’s perfect for people who consider themselves to be freethinkers and are always open to trying out new things. If you actually are one of those people, you will most definitely find inspiration for your next new school tattoo here.
What Is A New School Tattoo?
New School tattoo style is a particular tattooing style or technique where the designs have a graffiti-esque look to them. This style integrates memorable pop cultural references or elements into the tattoo design.
Without further ado, let’s get started!
New School Japanese Tattoo
Japanese tattoos, in general, are quite expressive and bold. In case you didn’t know, new school tattoos can be Japanese-themed and here are some of them below:
1. Unpredictable

It’s hard to read a deranged individual and predict what they are going to do next. This tattoo will suit a person who is impulsive in nature and makes rash decisions most of the time.
2. 666

The number “666” is actually used to denote the antichrist, the devil or just evil in general. Someone who has difficulty taming their dark side is most likely to get a tattoo like this.
3. Boogeyman

This new school tattoo is basically an exaggerated depiction of the boogeyman, a mythic creature that adults use to scare children so that they are on their good behavior all the time.
New School Eagle Tattoo
Generally, eagle tattoos stand for dominance, power, patriotism and freedom. If you wish to characterize yourself as an eagle without taking the tattoo too seriously, these designs are for you:
4. Dominance

The eagle tattoo symbolizes dominance and sheer willpower. A person who comes out victorious in every single battle of their life might be able to relate to this tattoo on a spiritual tattoo.
5. Freedom

Freedom always comes at a price. Being free from any sort of constraint can be a blessing to people and that freedom is attained through sacrifice. This is the message the tattoo above delivers.
6. Power

Power is an incredibly strong feeling that very few people feel in their lives and it is one of the best feelings ever. This new school eagle tattoo brings that emotion to life.
New School Dog Tattoo
People can dog tattoos in the new school style as well. These are different from regular dog tattoos as these tattoos require the use of heavy outlines and vivid colors to give them a new school look.
7. Tenacity

A bulldog tattoo symbolizes the stubbornness and determination of an individual. This means that the person will stop at nothing to get what they want.
8. Man’s best friend

We all know that a dog is called a man’s best friend for its deep loyalty. The new school style also brings out the warming presence of the dog.
9. Toughness

The new school bulldog tattoo also symbolizes strength and toughness. It portrays a person’s ability to withstand tough conditions and tackle all sorts of problems in their life.
New School Rose Tattoo
Aside from love, a rose tattoo signifies concepts like new beginnings, hope, and promises. These tattoos come in different colors and each of them has its own separate meaning.
10. Love and Passion

Red roses symbolize mutual appreciation and respect between a couple. They also denote a desire for a passion and commitment to a special person.
11. Red Rose

This is just a variation of the previous new school tattoo. The meaning is still the same except the tattoo looks fresh and neat. As a result, it will now grab a lot of people’s attention.
12. Free Will

Rose tattoos can be of different colors, each of them with its own separate meaning. Since there is no particular color here, the tattoo bearer can make the tattoo symbolize whatever he/she wants it to.
New School Pin Up Tattoos
Pin up tattoos are very popular among both men and women. These tattoos symbolize female independence, strength, and power. Here are some of them in the new school style:
13. Enchantress

The term “enchantress” actually means a woman who, with the use of magic, puts someone under a spell. In this context, magic is referring to the beauty and charm of the woman.
14. Independence

Pin-up tattoos also symbolize female independence. A woman who has worked hard all her life and is now fully independent will most probably get a new school tattoo like this.
15. Girl Power

Such tattoos also refer to female strength and power. In our society, there’s a misconception that a woman always needs a man’s help to flourish in life. This tattoo clearly opposes that idea.
New School Snake Tattoo
In a general sense, snake tattoos symbolize the recurrent nature of the universe and the changing seasons of life. Below are some design ideas for the new school style:
16. Fearlessness

A snake wrapped around a dagger or a sword amalgamates the symbolism of both the dagger and the snake, which can signify wisdom and life together with courage and fearlessness.
17. Vibrancy

The design above is titled “vibrancy” for the striking brightness of all the colors used in this tattoo. Not only does it look noticeable, but it also looks pretty stylish and elegant.
18. Temptation

A snake, paired with a rose, is the symbol of temptation. A rose symbolizes innocence while a snake stands for destruction. To put it simply, the tattoo indicates the loss of purity to some sort of temptation.
New School Tattoo sleeve
People can get new school tattoos that will cover their whole arm. While some may think it’s a bit too much, the tattoo definitely looks pretty cool if it’s inked properly.
19. Enthusiast

A tattoo enthusiast is most likely to get something like this etched on their arm. They spent hours coming up with the most creative design and it just looks incredibly good.
20. Protection

A compass tattoo stands for guidance, direction, and protection. It also signifies independence and the readiness to move out of one’s comfort zone. A very simple yet elegant tattoo.
21. Ferocity

Tattoos of wild birds showing their talons usually convey ferocity and barbarity. This new school tattoo on a man’s sleeve signifies that a person, with their fierce mentality, will do whatever it takes to attain freedom.
New School Cat Tattoo
Cats are known to have nine lives. For this reason, they represent a person’s ability to bounce back from an unfortunate incident. Below are some cool cat tattoos in the new school form:
22. Black Means Elegance

A black cat is typically associated with bad luck or just evil in general. However, many people are now looking past that and getting black cat tattoos for their sheer elegance.
23. Graceful

If you’ve ever been told that you’re quite graceful or that is something you aspire to be, then this new school cat tattoo might be the perfect tattoo for a woman’s half sleeve.
24. Three’s Company

” Three’s Company ” is actually an American sitcom TV series but in this scenario, it means something entirely different. The title refers to the company or presence of three adorable kittens shown in the tattoo.
New School Flower Tattoo
Different flowers have different meanings but in a general sense, a flower symbolizes the love between two people. In new school form, flower tattoos can look even better. Here are some cool ideas:
25. Dignity

Typically, dahlia flowers refer to expressing feelings of dignity and elegance. They also symbolize a connection or a commitment that will last for a long time.
26. It Burns

As discussed before, red rose tattoos symbolize love and burning passion for someone. They also represent mutual appreciation and respect between a couple.
27. Happiness and Joy

A multicolored rose stands for joy and happiness. A person who strives to be happy or is constantly pursuing pleasure and happiness is most likely to get a tattoo like this one.
New School Frog Tattoo
Frog tattoos have a wide range of meanings. They represent wisdom, fertility, purity, perseverance, protection, renewal, longevity, and renewal. Below are some cool frog tattoo ideas:
28. Transformation

This new school tattoo perfectly describes a person who has completely managed to turn their life around and is now going in the right direction.
29. Luck

Another reason for people to get frog tattoos is that they bring good luck. Apart from this superstitious belief, the tattoo actually looks stylish and the colors make it vibrant.
30. Success

Among the myriad of meanings, the frog tattoo has, one of them is that a frog symbolizes opportunities and success. Meaning aside, the new school style gives the tattoo a bold look.
New School Skull Tattoo



New School Traditional Tattoo



New School Animal Tattoos



90s New School Tattoo



New School Horror Tattoos



New School Octopus Tattoo



New School Bat Tattoo



New School Bird Tattoo



New School Dragon Tattoo



New School Food Tattoo



New School Chest Tattoo



New School Religious Tattoo



New School Ice cream Tattoo



New School Diamond Tattoo






That is all we have for you today! Your next step is to go through each of these designs one at a time and select a tattoo that will best fit with your style. Since tattoos are permanent and you would have to go through a lot of trouble to change it afterwards, you will want to take your time when you’re choosing your design.
Once you’re done picking your tattoo design, you are going to have to consult with your local tattoo artist and make sure they’re the right person for the job. Not every artist has enough experience in or knowledge of the new school tattooing technique.
If you have everything sorted out, then you are definitely ready to get your next or first ever new school tattoo.
Good luck!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who invented the new school tattoo?
Marcus Pacheco invented the new school tattooing style
Where did new school tattoos originate?
New school tattoos originated in the United States.
What’s the difference between neo-traditional and new school?
Neo traditional honors the artistic heritage of western military tattoo culture. New school has the same concept but it incorporates the modern street art culture to the designs.