37 Unique Tattoo Quotes for Men

Quotes and one-liners are often compelling enough to engrave them forever in your mind and sometimes on your body, quite literally. Although there are infinite designs available for tattoos around the world, some designs and types have a universal appeal and quote tattoos are number one in that category.

When you have a quote you love so much, you want to have it forever. The subject matter of the quote is actually representing the persona and belief system you live by.


Best Tattoo Quotes For Men

Though there is no limit to the designs inspired by quotes, some areas always score above the rest in this domain too. If we go by popularity, verses from the holy book of Bible, Quran, or even holy ‘Shlokas’ from Indian mythological literature are loved by tattoo enthusiasts. Popular quotes by famous personalities are also extremely popular among the tattoo lovers across the world. Let’s check out 17 tattoo quotes for men to ink now.



tattoo quotes for men

This design is visibly enclosed in blood-stained horizontal lines. It depicts the deep involvement of the bearer with the quote. It shows that the quote is very close to the person’s heart. So much so that he wants to get himself inked with it.


quote tattoos for men

This design represents deeply religious attachment of the bearer and his faith in the almighty. Irrespective of the quote written, this style is primarily chosen for holy quotes from the religious texts. Written in the style of a chronicle, it is peculiar and unique in itself.



inner bicep quote tattoos for men

The location of this design gives a sense that the bearer wants it to be visibly loud. Inked on the outer biceps, it represents the quote the bearer has true faith in. Getting the words inked requires deep attachment to the text and this design is a testimony to it.


#4: With a Landscape

tattoo ideas for men quotes

Some of the most powerful quotes are attached with beautiful backgrounds art, just like this one. You can include any artwork related to the quote or poem for added effect.


#5: Framed Bible Verse


An easy way to decorate your word-based tattoo would be to simply include an elegant frame around it. Choose a bible quote or any other classic quotes of your choice.


#6: Cursive Fonts on the Side

quote tattoos for men

 Tattoo quotes for men fit amazingly well on their chest and the sides of their abdomen. Anyone who has seen some of thees quote tattoos can definitely testify to this fact!


#7: Black and Red Quote Tattoos for Guys


An alternative quote tattoo that you can go for would include something that mixes different font colors and styles. This one features some cursives and capitalized fonts.


#8: Tattoo Quotes with Accompanying Graphics


One of the easiest ways to make your tattoo design stand out more is to use an accompanying graphic which is relevant to the quote. It can also be something that reminds you of this quote more than anything else!


#9: Chest Quote Tattoo for Men

tattoo quotes for men

Some quotes, phrases and poems fit perfectly on a person’s chest. At times, you won’t even need to embellish the quote tattoo with anything else – just the font and quote would do the trick nicely!


#10: Tattoo of Quote on Body Side


Some would love to have their quote tattoo witten horizontally across the length of their body. Others would keep the writing vertical and it’d still work just fine!


#11: Quote Tattoo on the Arm


A tattoo on the inner arms would hurt quite some, but it’s one way for you to keep your tattoo a little low-key. Choose a good and short quote for tattooing this area!


#12: Quote inside a Cloud Tattoo Design


Many quote tattoos can be beautifully inked on a cloudy background. Most of the time you’d see these tattoos being about religion, God or other similar topics.


#13: A Self-Care Reminder


What better way to remind yourself to continually be kind to yourself than by using a tattoo? Use self-care quotes that makes sense to you – it doesn’t matter if other people are receptive to it.


14: Like a Scripture


If you aren’t sure of how you want your quote to be stylized in your tattoo, how about just inking it with a paper background to look like an actual letter?


15: No Excuses, No Regrets


Prefer a short and sweet quote instead of a lengthy paragraph? That’s fine too! You can always segment your quote into two or more parts, inked at different parts of your body.


#16: Childhood Cartoon Quote Tattoo


Surely everyone has a favourite quote from their childhood cartoon series. If it’s meaningful and you loved it as a kid, why not pay a tribute to it via a tattoo deisgn with the cartoon character?


#17: Photo-Worthy

tattoo ideas for men quotes

Thinking of showing off your back tattoo? A quote-based tattoo will be sure to capture plenty of attention, especially when you’re using a suitable type of font and a vague-ish surrounding graphics.


18: Hopeful Quote Tattoo

quote tattoos for guys

If you don’t have any specific type of quote in mind, how about inking one which reminds you to be hopeful rather than focusing on how bleak something could turn out to be?


#19: Subtle Quote Tattoo for Men


If you’re a heavily-tattooed person, you can add your quotes as a layered-on tattoo. The quote would not look obvious in comparison to your other tattoos, but that’s alright too! 


#20: Life Quote on Inner Arm

quote tattoos for guys

Life is indeed just like a dice game. Whenever you’re dealt a tough hand for life, you’ll always have this tattoo to remind you about how that’s just life!


21: Compass and Quote Combination Tattoo

quote tattoos for guys

Not all tattoos for men are meant to look rugged, tough or battle-like. Men can also have adventurous tttoos, or at least just some tattoos which can hint at adventures, just like this tattoo involving a compass! 


#22: No Judgement


Many times, we’d be tempted to judge someone else for their behaviour, opinions or just general thoughts. If you want to make it clear that you’re not someone to judge, this could be the perfect tattoo for it!


#23: Men’s Quote Tattoo on the Neck

quote tattoos for guys

While uncommon, there are still  mant people who’d put their quote tattoos on their neck. It will definitely be a painful tattoo though, so be sure to be ready for it. 


#24: Artistic Cursive Font Tattoo on your Calves


Not sure where you want your meaningful quote to be inked? Consider the spot just on your calves as well! Most of the time, the length of a quote will determine the best spot for your tattoo.


#25: Think Before You Speak

quote tattoos for guys

This tattoo serves as an amazing reminder for us to think before we say something we regret! Whether it’s about a mean thing to say or spreading false rumors, many people need to be more familiar with this quote.




tattoo quotes for men

tattoo quotes for men

tattoo quotes for men

tattoo quotes for men

tattoo quotes for men





With infinite choices of quotes available for tattoo enthusiasts, just decide the location and get that personal favorite inked on you. After all, this lets you wear your opinion on your sleeves quite literally.


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