30 Inspiring 3 Crosses Tattoo Ideas: From Calvary to Canvas

Tattoos offer many symbolisms. Sometimes they reflect on the wearer’s journey and sometimes they bring out the beliefs. The 3 crosses tattoo is like that too. These tattoos are a nod to the Christian symbol that represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It shows religious devotion and acts as a tribute to faith and values.

These tattoos celebrate your perspective on life. On how you choose to see the good and the evil. Your skin is a canvas for self-expression. These tattoos allow you to connect with profound ideas of sacrifice, redemption, and hope.

Want to seek some designs with us? You are at the right place! In this blog, we will shed some light on tattoo designs of 3 crosses that might inspire your next body art masterpiece.


30 unique 3 Crosses Tattoo Designs and Meanings

The tattoo consists of 3 crosses that can signify the meanings of religion and life. The center cross indicates the crucifixion itself, where Jesus was hung between two criminals. This creates a poignant juxtaposition of salvation and sin.

The crosses can signify different periods of life too. Past, present and future. This tells us the importance of living in the present and learning from the past while looking for possibilities in the future.

Take a closer look at these 30 unique 3 crosses tattoo designs. Maybe you will find your next eclectic body art that can reflect your inner self.


3 Crosses Neck Tattoo

A tattoo of 3 crosses on the neck pays homage to the Christian religious beliefs. It also denotes the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Though the neck is one of the sensitive places to get a tattoo, the ending result is worth the pain.

1. Crucify

3 Crosses Neck Tattoo 1
Source: timmy_tat2

The bold stagnant tattoo is simple yet exotic in a way that charms every onlooker. This striking art is great for the neck of a man who wants plain but intense.

2. Calvary

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Source: tattshmu

Calvary is the place where Jesus was hung between the two thieves. And this tattoo creates that exact image for us to see. Haunting yet beautiful.

3. Triptych

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Source: oneloveink72

If you want something small then three simple-looking crosses can be best for you. A little thick-lined and the fading at the end creates a unique artistry that captures the heart.

4. Holy Grace

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Source: k_ink_tattoo

The white outline goes really well with the black contrast. An honor to the religion and a hope for salvation, this tattoo tells the story of life and its intricate interplay between darkness and light.

5. The Holy Trinity

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Source: janawerweissdasschon

The three equal crosses serve as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that can guide the wearer from dark to light. The intricate design goes well with the delicate skin behind the ear of a man.

3 Crosses On A Hill Tattoo

These tattoo motifs are very popular and they have every right to be. The 3 crosses and the hill create a powerful theme and reflect hope, love, and strength. The placement of the crosses with added elements creates a visually striking body art while adding depth and emotion.

6. Cross of Innocence

3 Crosses On A Hill Tattoo 1
Source: tattoosbycurtismckie

The heinous act against Jesus was a contemplation of ending innocence. This tattoo shows Jesus as a realistic-looking ferocious lion and the crosses create the injustice we may face in this cruel world.

7. Silhouette

3 Crosses On A Hill Tattoo 2
Source: skinemufuca

The tattoo here shows extraordinary needle artistry with linework and dotwork. The shading creates a shadowy ambient and looks good on the forearm of a man.

8. God Is Here

3 Crosses On A Hill Tattoo 3
Source: _chelo_tattoos

God is everywhere, watching over us. This tattoo highlights Jesus and the words here are the reminder that His love for us is divine and irrevocable. It is best for the arm of a woman.

9. Crosses On The Rise

3 Crosses On A Hill Tattoo 4
Source: tattookacie

As in the quote, indeed, evil never wins. It’s a reminder to the wearer that no matter what happens in life, if you are faithful and good then you’ll achieve everything.

10. Wuthering Heights

3 Crosses On A Hill Tattoo 5
Source: pandorasboxtattoo

The intense love-hate emotion is inevitable for a living being. But what we perceive matters the most. The three crosses remind the wearer of exactly that and teach them to look for the good in everything.

The 3 Crosses Tattoo Meaning

The 3 crosses as an inkwork can mean a lot of things. It implies the sacrifice Jesus made for humanity. A central symbol of faith, hope, and forgiveness. It can also signify body, mind, and spirit- three crucial factors of life. Some even choose these tattoos to commemorate loved ones who have passed away.

11. Words of Wisdom

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Source: tatreapers

It is thoughtful to engrave your skin as a tapestry of encouraging words so that when you feel lost, those words can give you hope. A great way to remind yourself that good will come.

12. Sorrows & Prayers

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Source: tatts_by_ant

Praying can ease one’s mind and give utmost serenity. If you want to remind the world to always seek god through worshipping, this tattoo can be perfect for you.

13. Triune

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Source: mjm.ink

The Holy Trinity tells us the story of unity and helps us go through life while keeping a courageous spirit. This tattoo represents the core tenets of the Christian faith.

14. Mother’s Heart

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Source: sacredartfl

Mother Mary and her loving heart is a lesson for all of us. The rose represents her purity and the crosses are her testament in life. The tattoo is perfect for the rib of a man.

15. Yet To Come

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Source: ambertatttoo_

Memories of departed loved ones are always close to our hearts. Inked on skin, this reminds us of them and we carry their name everywhere. If you want to honor them then go for this one.

3 Cross Tattoo Stencil

The stencil is the foundation for creating a masterpiece tattoo. And the crosses here carry the meaning of sacrifice, redemption, and hope. The adaptability of these tattoos is amazing. Tattoo artists and enthusiasts can customize the stencil to match what they want and add their unique taste to make it more meaningful.

16. Stygian Hope

3 Cross Tattoo Stencil 1
Source: euphorinkd_tattoos

The bold-lined pitch-black tattoo is straightforward and classy. You can add your preferred verses within the shading design and make it your own story to tell others.

17. Resurgence Triad

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Source: euphorinkd_tattoos

This design of the tattoo is narrating the actual story of the crucifixion of Jesus. The thief who was placed on the left side of Jesus uttered these strong words ”You should fear God!” to the other thief placed on the right side.

18. Cross My Heart

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Source: amynguyenart

Simplicity sometimes brings out the regal vibe and this tattoo is the perfect example of it. Bold jet-black finish on the smooth canvas of skin- what else a tattoo enthusiasts need?

19. Meadow of Redemption

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Source: tattoos_by_compton

If you are looking for a cinematic vibe on the tattoo then this is the finest one. The tattoo looks phenomenal with its line-work and smudging. It is perfect for the ankle of a man.

20. Faded Grace

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Source: euclidavenuetattoo

A smudged faded design is so quirky that tattoo lovers love this design. The crosses give an eerie vibe and create an uncanny situation that gives the onlookers a sense of intrigue.

3 Cross Tattoo Designs

The cross is an important object in Christian history. Many tattoo artists take it as a famous element to engrave on the skin. Renowned artists like Albrecht Dürer indirectly contributed to the development of crucifixion-themed tattoos. These tattoos showcase three crosses that represent the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the two criminals, blending religious significance with artistic expression.

21. God’s Mercy

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Source: etgaroak

The vivid inkwork captures the painful story of the crucifixion and honors Jesus by having faith etched as a tattoo. It teaches us patience and mercy for humankind.

22. Tears Of Mary

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Source: javy626tattoos

The Virgin Mary and her tears look quite realistic in this tattoo art. It shows us a mother’s love for her child and the suffering she faces in her life.

23. Watching Over

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Source: nanotattoos.903

God is watching over us from everywhere. If you are feeling lost then this tattoo can be a reminder that God will show us the way and pull us from the wrong side to the right side.

24. Chorus of Redemption

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Source: brandonorrtattoos

Tattoos are a great way to show we freed ourselves from our dark past and moved on to a greater future. This tattoo captures the essence of redemption quite vividly with a strike of color.

25. Sacrificium Iesu

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Source: danny_tattoos

The three crosses are the perfect example to show how much sacrifice Jesus made for mankind. The linework and aesthetic shading with a touch of color carry religious value and respect.

3 Nail Cross Tattoo



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Source: vonstriga



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Source: scribblesbyseth



3 Nail Cross Tattoo 3
Source: joshuahoibergart



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Source: joselopez_254



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Source: madamecelestetattoo


The 3 crosses tattoo rooted itself in the tattoo world as one of the unique blueprints to engrave on the body part. In exploring these 30 unique designs, one can’t help but marvel at their depth and versatility. 

From The bold statements on the neck to honor Christian beliefs to hauntingly beautiful depictions of Calvary’s history, each tattoo tells a story etched into the skin with devotion and reverence. 

If you found your perfect match then it is time to adorn something new. Remember to take care of your tattoo and have faith in your values. La revedere!


How many Cross tattoo stencils are there?

There are tons of cross tattoo stencils out there, both online and at tattoo shops. It’s hard to say exactly how many because new ones are being made all the time.

What is a crucifixion tattoo?

A crucifixion tattoo is a tattoo of Jesus Christ being nailed to the cross. It is a religious symbol that can have many different meanings for the person who wears it.

What is an Irish cross tattoo?

An Irish cross tattoo is a cross with a circle around it, symbolizing Irish heritage, faith, and eternity.


  • Auditi A

    Auditi is exploring the art, culture, and care of tattoos. With a deep love for body art, she shares expert insights on tattoo styles, aftercare, and industry trends. Through her blog, Auditi helps enthusiasts and newcomers make informed decisions while celebrating the beauty of ink.

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