Sword tattoos have been around for centuries. They are a good representation of strength and authority. They are a lucrative and attention-seeking option among tattoo enthusiasts.
Many tattoo designs revolve around swords. They give the tattoo a new meaning and look. Many times they are mixed with other tattoos to enhance their looks.
If you are looking to get a sword tattoo, look no further because, in this article, we’ll go through some amazing tattoo designs that will ignite a spark in your mind.
We’ll cover what they mean, different types of sword tattoos, how you can incorporate sword tattoos with other designs, etc.
What does a sword tattoo mean?
A sword itself represents penetration strength and deadlines. However, a sword tattoo means authority, courage, dominance, and power. Sometimes sword tattoos are represented in different styles which can mean different things. For example; crossed sword tattoo can mean collision or alliance. In the end, the tattoo only carries the meaning of how someone describes their own thoughts.
Crossed Swords Tattoos
Crossed sword tattoos have been around for a long time. In general, they represent a collision between two parties. But, it can also symbolize two sides joining alliances by bringing their sword together. The meaning of the crossed sword tattoo is the opposite, depending on the circumstances.
1. Greek Allies Sword tattoo

A greek helmet is on top of two ancient greek swords. The helmet represents the greeks and the swords represent two parties. The light theme suggests that both of the parties have forged alliances.
2. Dark Greeks Sword tattoo

A Black greek helmet is on top of two short swords. The sword seems to be colliding with each other. The darker color suggests that there is a rivalry between both parties.
3. Crossed short sword tattoo

A minimal sword tattoo of two swords on a man’s arm sleeves. The swords are placed diagonally and cross over each other. The pair look to be identical. A simple design with short swords.
4. Tripple Collision

Three swords are placed together. All of the swords are colliding with each other. There’s also sparkle around the spot that is colliding. The top sword has the number “1” on top. indicating that that’s the best one among the three.
5. On Point Sword Tattoo

A sword tattoo with deep meanings. Two swords are poking through a brain. It tells the story that something deep has been planted in his brain and it won’t get out without struggle and force.
6. War of Gladiators

The gladiators fitting nature has been depicted through this sword tattoo. The gladiator helmet represents the gladiators and the sword represents war and battle. Both of which screens the bravery of the gladiators.
7. Peaceful Sword

Two small white swords are drawn on a man’s leg. It is guarded by two tree branches. The branches indicate that it’s a peaceful alliance and is forged to benefit each other.
8. Dual katana Tattoo

Katanas have been around for a long time. Both of the katanas are out of their covers and ready to be used on a fight. The sharp-edged can cut through anything and the grip will provide additional support and handling.
Sword and shield tattoo
While the sword is used as an offensive weapon, a shield is used for defending yourself from attacks. Sword and shield tattoos bring both of them together. It means that the tattoo bearer tries to defend himself from others’ attacks but when needed he wouldn’t hesitate to get on his offensive side as well. A great representation of self-control and determination.
9. Offensive Defender

A shield with the number 63 written on it. It has two swords behind it. It is able to protect the carrier but the two swords can be used to attack as well. A great display of offense and defense.
10. Medieval Sword and Sheild

A sword and shield tattoo represents medieval times. The red cross on the middle of the sword is the representation of medieval times. The sword is much longer than the shield. The end of the sword is not covered by the shield.
11. Medieval Culture Sword Tattoo

An old sword tattoo with a steel shield. The sword is on the outer side of the shield. The tip of the sword has the word culture written on it. A reminder of medieval culture.
12. Complete Greek Sword Tattoos

Everything a soldier needs for a battle is depicted on this tattoo. The side of this man’s arm is covered with depictions of greek helmets, swords shields, and spears. Complete set of war in greek style.
13. Medieval Death Sword

A huge sword tattoo on a man’s back. The shield has a cross on top of it. The sword on the other hand has a skull in its grip. It represents death in war. and a reminder of the consequences of war.
14. The Spartans sword and shield tattoo

A golden spartan shield which most likely belongs to a knight is drawn on a forearm. The sword also matches the shield. The symbol on the shield confirms that it belonged to a knight that fought to protect the kingdom.
15. Medieval Sword and mysterious shield

A cryptic and mysterious shield that seems to be damaged in battle with a symbol that looks like the head of something evil. The Sword has a cross symbol that represents medieval dark times.
16. Heater Shield and Sword tattoo

A shield made in heater style has two letters and two diagonal blue lines in the shield. The sword has two blue gems on the grip of the sword. A cold and lifeless tattoo for the side of the arm.
17. Royal Alliances

Two royal Swords are between a diamond-shaped shield. Each sword represents one royalty and they seem to be agreeing on something that’ll benefit both of them. Great display of unity indeed.
18. Forearm swords tattoo

A tattoo on a man’s forearm that has a sword and Viking axe. They are resting on top of a shield with a delicate design. This reminds us of the Vikings’ period and their lust for war.
19. Unbreakable Sword Tattoo

A sword with a shield was driven down a stone. The only thing that broke was the stone. It tells us about the durability of the sword. There’s also a red lace going around the sword. A meaningful tattoo on hands.
20. Sheilded Heart

A chest tattoo of a sword and shield. The shield is right above the man’s heart. The medieval shield tries to protect his heart but the sword has already gone through the shield and penetrated the heart.
21. All Around Vikings

Two Viking axe with one sword and an arrow are guarded by a shield. Basically, everything a Viking used back in the day for a bloody battle. The cruelty and barbaric nature of them can be seen clearly through this tattoo.
22. Shoulder Shield and sword tattoo

A solid shield on the side of a man’s shoulder. the shining shield has a sword with a pointy edge hidden behind it. It spreads the message that the beauty on the outside tries to hide the danger behind it.
23. Blunt swords behind shield

A Single sword is behind a small shield. The sword has blunt edges. They might not be able to cut through something but that doesn’t mean it can’t hurt someone. No matter how blunt it becomes it’ll still be a weapon after all.
24. Ancient Worriers weapons tattoo

Medieval worriers tattoo on a man’s arm. Two sharp swords behind a shield. The two swords represent the soldiers and the shield is used to protect them. The black and white tattoo brings out the details without making the tattoo noisy.
25. Dark memory

A full sleeve tattoo with the incorporation of a sword. There’s a date and a name associated with the tattoo. The dark colors suggest it was a bad memory. The tattoo commemorates the event nicely.
26. Mini medieval sword tattoo

Small and elegant tattoo of a sword and shield with a red cross on the middle. The tattoo is a gorgeous piece of art. Although the tattoo is small the meaning and history behind are pretty long.
27. The Ephesians Sword Tattoo

The sword and shield tattoo carries a message that says “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”. The verses from chapter 6 paragraph 11 of the Ephesians are the main attraction of the tattoo.
28. The Vikings sword tattoo

A Viking helmet with two big horns coming out of the two sides of the helmet. One Sword and one axe are on top of a Viking shield. The aggressiveness of the Vikings and their bloodthirst can be seen on the shield and axe.
29. Minimalist Sword Tattoo

A minimal tattoo of a sword and shield. The minimalist look is nicely depicted with the clear surface of the arm. A good choice for tattoos on the bicep.
30. News Bearer

A Sword and a round shield can be seen upside down. There’s a royal Note On top. It has a lot of writing in a cursive style. The majestic strokes of letters suggest a royal message for the warriors.
31. Winged Sword Tattoo

A full black tattoo of a sword with two wings attached to it. The shield is very small to the proportion of the sword. But, It’s still an integral part of the entire tattoo.
Viking Sword Tattoo
The Vikings are known for their aggressive and ruthless nature. They are also very bloodthirsty and war-loving. Their Viking swords tell the story of their glories and achievements through tattoos. They are also a huge part of Norse mythology. They are also used to represent the strength and courage of the Vikings.
32. Damaged Viking shield and Weapons

A brave Viking who has gone through a lot of battles and damaged his guard and weapons is represented in this tattoo. All of his weapons including axe, sword, and arrow are drawn in this tattoo.
33. Valhalla Dagger

A Norse mythology-based tattoo with the Viking in the middle. There’s a dagger at the side of the soldier which represents the mythical hall of Asgard. There are also some Norse symbols in the tattoo.
34. Short sword tattoo

A realistic short sword tattoo on the leg. The shield has a filigree design and the sword seems to be slightly risen above the surface. The use of shadows around the tip of the sword gives the tattoo a sense of depth.
35. The guardian sword

The sword works as the guardian of the surrounding Strand of paper. The paper has four names on it. The sword has a name on the grip as well. Each name is accompanied by a date which most likely represents their birth date. The tattoo suggests that the guardian will do anything to protect the names on the paper.
36. Penetrated Sword tattoo

A sword tattoo with great detail. The sword looks as if it went inside his arms. There’s blood coming out of the spot that the sword has penetrated. There’s a glow behind the sword as well.
37. Authoritarian Sword Tattoo

A tattoo on the full backside of a man’s body. One giant snake and a dragon are separated by a giant sword. The two creature is constrained from fighting because of the authority of the sword. A great display of control and authority.
38. Snake on sword tattoo

A Celtic sword has gone through the skull of an alligator and a live snake is around the sword and the skull. The venomous teeth of the snake are wide open. It can attack at any time. The snake doesn’t seem to be afraid of the sword at all.
39. Full forearm sword tattoo

A gorgeous sword with shape edges on top of a man’s forearm. There are some ornamental designs in the middle of the blade. The sword is a short sword. The pointy tip is much sharper than the rest of the blade.
40. Broken Sword tattoo.

A rusty and broken sword that doesn’t have its front half. Most likely it has gone through a lot and finally went over the limit and broke itself in half. It gives us a clear warning that no matter how strong someone is there’s always a limit. If someone crosses that it’s most likely that they’ll fail.











Sword and rose tattoo
The rose is a symbol of beauty and a sword symbolizes authority power and strength. When combined together the beauty of the rose hides the deadliness of the sword and the sword gives authority to the rose. They compliment each other nicely and bring up their values to the viewers.

















Celtic Sword Tattoo
Celtic swords are from the Iron Age. They are typically long and stylish in design. many times they are used in sword tattoos for their beautiful art design and the long shape of the sword that can be easily incorporated with other tattoos. They are often used to enhance the old and rusty look of any tattoos.





Sword snake tattoo








A sword can mean a lot of things. The above tattoos were used to describe the meaning of some of the best types of sword tattoos. When combined with other elements sword tattoo can alter the meaning of the tattoo and enhance its message. Their authority, power, and control can be seen easily throughout these tattoos. Hopefully, your questions related to sword tattoos were answered in this article. The only thing left is to mix your imagination and create your own pieces.